Hello Folks this article describes the power of advertising and marketing techniques which are proven techniques by genius. When we walk pass large display stands and not even notice what had been displayed. Yet for some reason I seem to think of the image later on in the day and it continues to play on my mind for a short while. This is the power of advertising; they use subliminal messages and psychology to grab the attentions of the individual so they never forget the product and then go out to buy it whether they need it or not. Recently I have found that displays are becoming more creative, adding color and vibrancy entrancing passersby, causing them to stop and stare. Often I find those kinds of people most annoying especially when they stop dead in front of you, when you are clearly in a rush to get to work. Amazing how much effort these advertisers put in when trying to sell their products, most of it being absolute rubbish.
Display banners and stands alike are unfortunate enough to be victims of graffiti and vandalism. Take for examples the large roll-over display stands at the bus-stop, just when you actually take notice of what is being displayed some miscreant individual has spray painted some form of profanity or defamatory words. It is lucky that the posters are safe behind a thick piece of Perspex! The best display stands are ones elaborately decorated, designed on high budget and often-digital images are those at exhibitions.
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