
Passive income from online Business:

This article describes the passive income opportunities in online businesses. Let’s have a look at and develop your ideas accordingly. With the birth of Web 2.0, you don't need to leave your seat to find a dozen online advertisements that claim you can earn passive income by establishing an internet marketing business. Some of the misleading advertisements, virtual businesses do have their obvious pluses. With very little sweat equity and maybe a few hundred dollars in start-up capital, one can start a relatively low-maintenance business. Testing the business is cheap and you can fail fast rather than grinding it out in an offline business that has brick and mortar overhead and inventory issues.

Social networking sites have made getting your message out to like-minded people faster and cheaper than ever before. MySpace and Squidoo are two popular sites that can be set-up as communication and traffic funnels to primary business sites. If you are able to drive significant traffic through search engine optimization, blogging, viral marketing or article marketing, the opportunity to sell Google Adsense or other pay-per-click systems becomes possible.

There are differing philosophies among online business owners concerning the right business model. I have found successful business owners that swear you need to make $300 per month across 200 sites and others that believe you need to find a long-term sustainable category and make $60,000 with one site. Finding the latter can be a short quest or a long process of trial and error.

You can create own business scenario on right platform get money from without leaving your seat.

1 comment:

Freedom said...

There is another way you can earn passive income from a website. It's

It's pay-per-visit, not per click. So you get paid for 100% of your traffic. Not a bad deal.

Keep up the good work!
